Wordless Wednesday ~ Reflections

Meg loves to get her face painted and whenever we go to an amusement park it’s the first thing she wants to do.  She’s also loves mirrors, especially admiring herself in them, put the two together and voila!!!  We have a Wordless Wednesday post!!


Seriously! She’s just to dang cute!!


Here she is the very first time we got her face painted.  I scored free tickets to the taping of the Disney Christmas parade, she was so little!


I remember this next one because I kept trying to get her to pick something girly, but she insisted on the tiger and it ended up looking really cute!


Then there was this one, which I loved because she was missing a front tooth.


I was a little miffed with the next one, only because we’d hired a photographer for her 6th birthday and I was hoping to get some really nice shots in before the face painter did this… 


However, she did manage to catch this next shot so all was forgiven.


Check out more Wordless Wednesday and Special Exposure Wednesday photos.